Implemented feedback

Today's minor frustration: Why on earth is unity package management under "window", when they literally have an "assets" dropdown??? That just doesn't make any sense.

Actual time spent:

turning on Unity, gathering my will: 5 minutes

Show distance reached: 14 minutes

game remains paused when going back to shop from pause menu: 3 minutes

Bug: "x" initially missing from pause menu button (game speed 1>x<): 2 minutes

clarify how abilities are used, explain what the shop is: 12 minutes

visual indicator for active lion ability: 19 minutes

Lions op, peasants weak. Maybe make lions more expensive: 30 seconds

abilities grey out on cooldown rather than getting green off cd: 29 minutes

visual indicator for heal ability: 36 minutes (didn't want to learn animations and look for one, learned tweening instead)

clarify how abilities are used, explain what the shop is, part II: 9 minutes

Compiling: 5 minutes

Discovered and fixed a bug where you could use abilities with the keyboard even if all units of that type were dead: 5 minutes

Compiling: 2 minutes

zip, upload and everything on 7 minutes

total (measured separately rather than a sum, for more accuracy. a surprising amount was spent writing this, seeing what to do next, timing everything etc): 2h14m


ProjC final 20/5 (outdated) 32 MB
May 20, 2024

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S touohle verzi hry nejsem moc spokojen.

Chybi mi tam zakladi prvky juiciness

  • Animace
  • Audio
  • Hudba

to je pro hru velmi dulezite obzvlaste pak pro self playing game.


  • tady bych rekl dobra prace
  • nevik kolik casu jsi pracoval s navrhem balancovani cena-vykon, je to tak nejak vyvazene alespon aby to davalo smysl


  • trosku mi vadi ze je level furt stejny, tim padem je to nezajimave az na poslednich par sekund. level je ve sve podstate skoro az uplne deterministicky
  • je videt, ze nespravne pracujes s transformy a pohybem, z toho jak se postavy tresou, vypada to jako glitch

Celkove si myslim, ze by to chtelo dost prace.

Davam 30b.